
Posts Tagged ‘WWII atrocities’

Today marks the first anniversary of the Smolensk plane crash.

On April 10, 2010 Poland’s President, Lech Kaczynski and his wife and 94 of the most senior Polish diplomats, officials and cultural elite perished in a plane crash over Smolensk, Russia.

In an ironic twist of fate the Polish delegation was flying to mark the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre during which over 20,000 Poles were killed by Soviet secret police.

There will be ceremonies throughout the day in Poland and around the world to commemorate the anniversary.

Please let us know details of ceremonies in your community or pass along links to more information.

Following last year’s tragedy, we received a great number of photos from readers in Poland. We also wrote a number of posts relating to the event.

Here’s a look back at some of the coverage…

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Poles Unite in Mourning

Hundreds Gather at Katyn Monument

Thousands Gather To Celebrate Mass To Honour The Late Polish President



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